Our Services


Start your journey with a free 15-minute consultation. Held over the phone or online, this session allows you to learn more about the COUNSEHEALING practice and clarify any queries you might have. We'll also understand your reasons for seeking therapy. Use the contact details to reach out to simply request a consultation.

15 mins | Free

Online/Telephone counselling

COUNSHEALING with Eimear online counselling services prioritises your comfort and confidentiality. Engage in 50-minute virtual sessions at your pace, focused on discussing your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. You control the frequency and number of sessions, ensuring the process is tailored to your needs.

50 mins | £35

In-Person Counselling

Coming soon! COUNSHEALING is excited to add in-person counselling to our service offerings. These face-to-face sessions will provide a safe space to express and explore, while keeping your pace, goals, and well-being at the heart of every session.

50 mins | £40

If you're unsure about counselling or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

It's okay to take things one step at a time. Remember, the first step towards change can feel overwhelming, but with patience and support, it becomes a stepping stone towards healing and growth.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.